In class we reviewed cells and then we went to the lab. The students were supposed to bring supplies representing different parts of the cell. One girl brought a purse to represent the Golgi complex as it packs and moves cellular material. Students brought batteries to represent the mitochondria, the energy producer of the cell. A belt was brought to represent the endoplasmic reticulum, the conveyor belt of the cell. It was fun, and the students learned what the parts of the cell do.
Homework tonight is to read b42 - B55. Students should read the question in red at the top of each section. Do they know the answer? Then read the chapter, find the answer and ask the question again? If they know the answer, read the next section, if not, re-read until they find the answer. Students also should be working on finishing their biome drawings, they have had three hours in class to work on them. The biomes will be due on Monday. They must have each biome drawn and colored.
The cell parts we have covered are:
Cell membrane - to provide a barrier and protection for the cell,
Nucleus: information center,
Endoplasmic reticulum: moves the cellular material in the cell,
Mitochondria: makes energy for the cell,
Golgi Complex: packs and stores cellular material,
Lysosomes: disposal unit of the cell,
Ribosomes: links amino acids to make protein,
Vacuole: Stores food and water for the cell, small in an animal cell. Additional organelles in a plant cell are:
Cell wall: to support and give stability to the plant cell,
Chloroplast: uses the sun for photosynthesis,
Large Vacuole: a plant cell has a very large vacuole to store the food made by the chloroplast during photosynthesis