Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday - Happy Thanksgiving

Today we studied the grassland and water biomes. We also discussed the need of taking care of the land we own. We started a discussion on organism, populations, communities and ecosystems. We will finish that on Monday.

On Tuesday the reports are due at the beginning of class. Any report turned in late will receive 50% or less depending upon how well the student did.

We also talked today about being grateful. A researcher found that when people count their blessings they are less depressed, less stressed, more energetic, feel more like exercising, are able to meet more of their goals, feel more loved and give more service. That is a pretty good reason to take this Thanksgiving time and make a habit of expressing the things we are grateful for.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday of a short week

Biomes is the word for the week. We discussed Biomes and looked at an Internet clip which told about different Biomes and had great pictures too.

We do have a test coming soon, December 4th, to be exact. Papers and a two minute oral report are due on Dec 2nd. We will review for the test on the 3rd and take it on the 4th.

The test should be fairly easy. It will cover cells, tissues and organ systems. It will also cover biomes and how living and non-living things co-exist.

Tuesday is the last day of school this week.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


The students spent the entire class period working on their animal reports. The students are to follow their outline while writing the report. The reports are due on December 2nd. They must hand in their rubric which has the report requirements on it, their outline which was due Nov 13th, and the report. They also need to have a poster with pictures about the report. On December 2nd they will be expected to give a brief oral report on their animal. They can use their poster, and maybe some facts on the back of it, to tell the class relevant information about their animal.

Remember, next week we only have school on Monday and Tuesday. The report is due the Tuesday they come back.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today we finished our section on the organ systems. The students took notes and did a good job. They also turned in their Science Journals. I will get them graded over the week-end and I hope to have them back by Monday or Tuesday.

Tomorrow they are to come to school prepared to work on their animal report. They will have the full class time to do that. However, those who are done will have another activity to use their time.

Remember, next week we have school only on Monday and Tuesday. The rest of the week is for Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Today we worked on cell drawings, practiced notetaking, and learned briefly about the main functions of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and reproductive systems.

We did change the due date on the report. It will be due on December 2nd.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today we practiced note-taking using an outline form. We learned about three organ systems, the skin, the muscles and the bones. The students learned that the skin is the largest organ of the body.

I also made an executive decision 5th hour. The animal essay was due December 1st. That is the first day after we return from Thanksgiving break. I decided that might be a little hard for some students to remember. So the reports will be due on December 2nd instead. That way the students will have less of a chance of forgetting the report at home.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today we learned more about the funtion of the organelles inside the cell. Then we drew the cell. On Monday we will finish drawing the cells and turn to the organ systems of the body.

Outlines were due today. Anyone who was not there needs to turn it on Monday. The purpose of the outlines is to help the student on their animal report. Unfortunately a number of students didn't have them to turn in.

We had an assembly today. A magician came and while dazzling us with his magic, he talked to the students about the importance of balance in our lives. He talked about the importance of getting a good education while reaching for our goals. He used different students and teachers to get his point across.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This morning the students had to go to the gym to take group pictures and picture retakes. But when they got back we used SSR time to go through a Plato lesson on cell functions. We learned the different parts of the cell and what they are supposed to do.

Tomorrow, at the beginning of class, the outlines for the animal essays are due. These outlines should help the student make sure that all the requirements for the essay are included.

After that is checked, we will be drawing animal and plant cells.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We started learning about cells today. Tomorrow we will learn more about the parts of a cell.

Tomorrow we will be taking make-up pictures and team pictures during part of first hour.

The wrestlers will be gone to a meet all day.

Today we had the Veteran's Day assembly. It went very well. The students behaved themselves very respectfully.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today the students had their tests returned. All students can redo the test to get a better grade. The test must be redone on a different paper. All answers must be in complete sentences. They received a handout on exactly how to do fix the test. The test must be returned as they walk into class tomorrow. If they left it at home or in their locker, it will not be accepted.

We went to the library today so the students would be able to do research for their reports. The outline must be done and in to me on Thursday. The final paper, three paragraphs minimum, is due December 1st.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The test is done. I should have it in my gradebook by Monday. Then the students will be able to take it home. Any who need to learn more can redo the questions they got wrong. They need a clean sheet of paper. The question number must be written followed by the letter answer (if there is one) and then a complete sentence including the question in the answer. For example: 1. True The bony fish has a swim bladder. The purpose of this extra work is to put the information in the student's mind. The students will get half credit for each question they answer. The spelling should be correct. The writing must be neat. The paper must be stapled to the test and handed in at the beginning of class on Tuesday. No late tests will be accepted.

This would be a great week-end to work on the outline for the vertebrate essay. Just write down the requirement then write some information you found.

Have a lovely week-end

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday - test tomorrow

We corrected our homework today. I am always amazed at how many students just done't feel like they need to do it. The sad part is when students forget it. But part of the learning is to get papers to class on time. It does make me sad.

Tomorrow we have our test on vertebrates. We reviewed in class today by having the students tell everything they know about the different orders. We particularly discussed the information on the test. If they study tonight, they should be well prepared. The majority of the test is right from their notes.

If, by chance, they do the test badly, they will be able to take it home and redo it for half of the points they would have originally earned.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We survived our interesting field trip and now it is time to get back to school.

Tomorrow we will review for our test and Thursday will be the test. The students have had time to study in class. We will go over every single question on the test tomorrow. The students are allowed to take notes too. So tonight and Wednesday night there needs to be some studying going on.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Today was busy. The students pulled the animal orders out of a cup. Then they got to choose any animal in that order. Their vertebrate report outline is due November 13th. The final paper is due Dec 1st. We will work sometime in class, but they will have to do most of the work at home. I believe that 15-20 minutes twice a week, plus one hour in class each week should be enough time. Feel free to check the paper for them. But please, do not do their work.

They also have homework tonight, although they had time to finish the assignment in class. The assignment was A76-A77. The work must be done in complete sentences. It will be due on Wednesday.

Check to see the new cell activity on the links.

Tomorrow is the 6th grade field trip to Logan. Students need $5.00 for lunch. They can wear regular school clothes, but they must bring nice clothes to change into.