Thursday, November 6, 2008


The test is done. I should have it in my gradebook by Monday. Then the students will be able to take it home. Any who need to learn more can redo the questions they got wrong. They need a clean sheet of paper. The question number must be written followed by the letter answer (if there is one) and then a complete sentence including the question in the answer. For example: 1. True The bony fish has a swim bladder. The purpose of this extra work is to put the information in the student's mind. The students will get half credit for each question they answer. The spelling should be correct. The writing must be neat. The paper must be stapled to the test and handed in at the beginning of class on Tuesday. No late tests will be accepted.

This would be a great week-end to work on the outline for the vertebrate essay. Just write down the requirement then write some information you found.

Have a lovely week-end

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