Thursday, April 16, 2009


Science was very busy today. The students that had not finished their graphs rushed to get them done. Most of them were successful. The students were given time to work on their posters. We checked science journals to make sure the students had all their notes completed. Then most of the students chose their scientist. We are starting our scientist reports. Each student was given a paper for parents to read and sign. This way the parents know what is expected in the paper. The rough draft is due April 28th, the final copy is due May 7th. The minimum length is one page double spaced for typed reports and two pages double-spaced for hand written reports. All of the necessary information is on the hand-out. Students that return the bottom of the hand out signed and dated by Monday's class will receive 10 extra credit points. Reading is now in section C. By next Thursday all students should have read pages C1-C41.

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