Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today each team worked together to answer the questions on pgs A34-A35. They were allowed to work with their book opened and talk about the answers. Anyone who did not complete the assignment must finish it at home. Now, a warning, questions 16-20 are difficult. If the student does their best to complete these with thought out answers, they will receive full points. They might have to explain to me where they are coming from, but if it makes any sense at all, it will get full points. This has been explained to the students.

This paper will be corrected first thing Monday morning. After that we will watch a movie on seeds that will last into part of Tuesday. We will then review for the test. The test on A1-A35 will be given on Wednesday unless something interferes. So plan on a test on Wednesday. We will review every question on Tuesday and the students will be allowed to write the questions and answers down to study.

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