Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday bring wire hangers.

Wednesday was another testing day, students took ISAT tests in reading. For science we played a rock cycle game. Each team had a ball or yarn and then moved to different stations in the rock cycle depending on the roll of the dice. The object of the game was to help them understand the rock cycle better. Then we returned to class and observed rocks and their different properties.

Today students were to turn in their scientist report rough draft. I am calling the parents of any student who does not have theirs turned in. This report teaches students a lot about different fields of science, about different people, and how to do research. This report can also save their grade. But if it is not turned in, it will crush their grades. They have been reminded everyday for the past two weeks to get it in early.

In class we are beginning to learn about the eras and periods of the Earth. Next week we will learn about the big bang theory and then look to the sky. Students need to get their wire hangers turned in ASAP. If you have extra hangers, please donate them to the cause.

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