Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday after Spring Break

Spring break was lovely and mostly sunny. Many students are turning in their sun dials after our lovely break. Today we saw the ring of fire and how scientist think Pagaea looked. Then we watched all the continents move around into their current places. It is kind of fun. We talked about the reasons that Alfred Wagener came up with the theory of continental drift. We learned the words divergent and convergent boundaries. We also learned that subduction is when a heavier plate goes under a lighter plate often causing volcanic activity. Weed essays need to be in their finished condition, typed and ready by Thursday.

I will be gone to meetings in Pocatello on Wednesday and Thursday. Students have been reminded that good behavior for a substitute is the only acceptable behavior. They have also been reminded that bad behavior will result in their participation grade being dropped dramatically. We are teaching more than science, we are teaching acceptable behavior.

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