Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday - pictures or picture money is now past due

We are learning about rocks. This is an interesting unit as we can look around us and see exactly what we are talking about, no field trip needed. (Although that would be even more interesting) I am encouraging students to look around them and see how soil is being eroded and deposited by our spring runoff. It is easy to see that the faster moving water can carry larger particles.

Today we watched a ppp about erosion and deposition. We learned about four different ways sediments move. We learned about young and old rivers and about glaciers.

Students will be working on their scientist reports as homework. Remember the rough draft is due April 28th. The earlier you get it in, the sooner you get it back. The sooner you get it back the faster you can fix your report and then all the pressure is gone. Please, do not wait until the last minute.

The 6 weeks you have had to do your sundial are nearly up. Get it done, should be sunny on Friday!

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