Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday sundials and scientist reports - parent signature paper

Please get your sundial done this week-end. You have one more week, but that will be all. We have had many turned in, but time is running out.

Today we started on our scientist reports. Students chose their scientist and we went to the library to find information. Those who could not find enough either chose a new scientist or will look online. I did find a few sources for those who could find nothing in the library.

Parent signature papers also went home. These are to help parents understand this paper and what needs to happen. Please make sure your parents read and sign and that you return that paper. I need to know that parents will understand how to help appropriately. The rough draft must be in on Thursday April 28th. The final draft must be in May 12th. As my daughter is getting married that week-end, I doubt they will be graded until the following week. But they must be in the box on the 12th.

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