Wednesday, February 6, 2013


We read a sad story today. It is called, The Big Wave. A young boy in Japan loses his entire family to a tsunami. He is taken in by a kind family. It was very touching, especially as a tsunami just hit the Soloman Islands yesterday. We also took our spelling test.

During math we are moving forward comparing mixed numbers and improper fractions. It is exciting to see how quickly the students are understanding this.

Our Valentines Day party will be February 14th from 2:15 until 2:50. Any parents willing to help by bringing treats and possibly coming up with a short game, would be appreciated. Please let me know. I think we just need two or three parents or grandparents to help. Thanks for all that you do.

Book orders are going home today. You can order online using the code LJ87V. The family needs to make an account and use a credit card to order. Or you can always send the money and order form to school.

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