Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday - No math test tomorrow

Today we practiced finding the main idea and details in a paragraph. Students went into teams and practiced the skill. Then we got out our definition cards and worked on the definitions of our vocabulary words. In math we had a big review for our math test tomorrow. Most of the students finished their work. Those who did not stayed in until they were done. Anyone not finished was to take it home for homework.

Just to let you know, we had an assembly yesterday and will have another one tomorrow. Our class was absolutely wonderful during the assembly. They used good manners and were very respectful to the speakers. They deserve a pat on the back for their excellent behavior.

I just re-read the schedule for tomorrow. It appears that our pep rally will take place right in the middle of math. So the test will be postponed until Thursday. I know some families will be out of town for that. I will try and make arrangements so those students can take the test early.

1 comment:

KrisStena Evans said...

You are doing a great job. thanks for your hard work.