Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Monday's tests did not go home today. I still need to finish cataloging how students did on each question. This morning we took a spelling test, worked on our vocabulary words and then read more from our story. During math we worked on the difference between, "Jane bought a dress for $5. Her shoes cost twice as much as her dress, how much did the shoes cost? How much did she spend altogether." and "Jane bought a dress for $5. Her new shirt cost 3 dollars more than her shirt. How much did the shirt cost? How much did they cost together?" We also talked about learning to explain your thinking in writing. The SBAC test that is taking the place of the ISAT tests requires the students to explain their thought processes. In social studies we began reading the legends the students wrote. Some needed to try again as a legend has to explain why something is the way it is. It has been fun listening to their ideas. The students had music today.

Please make sure that your child has winter clothing. They are required to go out for recess and it is so cold out. Also, a paper went home today about free dental care. Please look over it and see if this is something your family could use. Thanks for all you do.

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