Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, please let me know

This morning we practiced making sentences more exciting. Students had fun adding words to their sentences so the sentences would be more exact in meaning. Then we read our fluency words for the story, "The Bridge Dancers." Then we read the story. In math we are learning to add fractions. This is fairly simple for the students who add well. For those who do not, it is a trial. Please practice basic math facts with your children regularly. It is one thing that parents can do that will help students so very much.

Tomorrow, during math time, we are going to do something very different. We are all going to go on Khan Academy to learn a little computer coding. We will just do it for the one day. Students that find it interesting can continue with Khan Academy lessons. I would like each parent's permission to register their child on Khan Academy. I have sent home an email asking for that permission. If you do not want to do that, they can do this without registering. Please let me know as soon as possible as it does take the parent's email to do this and I need to set a password up. So it will take some time. This should be an eye opener for the children as to how easy basic coding is. Many jobs in the future will either depend on farming or coding.

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