Monday, December 9, 2013


Today students reviewed their spelling words. We sat at the table and the students were able to see the connections in the words that they are spelling. Then we went to the computer lab. Students that can type more thatn 20 words per minute with 95% accuracy are being allowed to type stories. We will be getting into power point after Christmas.

In math we learned how to multiply denominators together to get a common multiple. Some students really struggled with where to put which number. We will continue to review, or you can help them at home. Then they went to Science where there are learning about how animals use camouflage

We are having a food bank at the school. Students are encouraged to bring food for those without. Canned food is the best to bring. Thanks for your help. Also, we need any book orders in right away. Please get this done so I can send it in. Thanks!

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