Thursday, February 3, 2011


It is still pretty cold outside, but fortunately we got to come to school today. It was Project Northland and a group of 8th graders taught the students about the dangers of tobacco. They also brought in pig lungs. One was healthy, you could see it move when the air was blown into it. But the tobacco damaged lung did not move. The students had the opportunity to feel both lungs (they wore gloves) and feel for themselves what smoking does to your lungs. Then Mrs. Bloxham went over their Slick Tracy book with them. It is homework and will be due next Thursday. Finally I told them about my dad and the suffering he went through after 50 years of smoking.

We are trying to teach the students to make healthy choices, choices that you will never have to regret. We want them to get a good education, and that includes both mind and body.

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