Friday, April 18, 2014


This morning instead of having a reading test, we watched a movie on Louis Braille.  I believed they learned much more from the movie than they would from the test.  It is on youtube and shows his life and what he did to invent braille reading.  We also took our spelling test and worked on our narrative essays.

In math we worked on converting kilograms to grams.  I brought a scale and we determined the mass of different objects.  Then students held the objects so they could feel the difference.  We talked about the difference between mass and weight.

In the afternoon we started our May Day art project, it is fun.  We will be taking our second yearly test on Monday at 8:30 a.m. It will be a math test.  Please make sure your child is ready with a good breakfast and a good night's sleep so the test will be easier for them.

Thanks, Catherine Winward

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