Friday, February 7, 2014


It was a day of testing. Students took their spelling test, followed by a reading test, followed by a math test. Sometimes it just works out that way. They did have time to work on their Patriotic Essay, read, and finish their vocabulary words. Students seem to be in a big rush to get AR points, now that the semester is closing soon. Please encourage your student to read everyday, and not just cram it all in at the last minute. It will be easier, and they will be reading at their level.

Remember the Hoedown is coming on the 21st of February. Businesses are being so helpful by putting items in our silent auction. If you have anything for the silent auction, please bring it to the school. And I apologize that these will be close to the same time, but our class auction will be on the following Friday. So if you can think of a thing or two for the class auction, that would be great too.

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