Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday Auction tomorrow!

We celebrated another birthday today and finished reading our story. Tomorrow will be the spelling and reading tests. In math we practiced relating connection between multiplying by tens, hundreds, thousands etc. In Social Studies students gave their last native american reports. Almost all of the students were prepared.

Tomorrow, along with being spirit day, is our class auction. Students will bring different items form home and auction them off. It is a reward for good behavior. I am also trying something new. Each student has, on their desk, a little piece of paper. If I have to get after them for calling out, not following instructions, being off task, etc., they put a mark on their page. Anyone with less than three marks at the end of first recess, gets $5.00 of our class money. This rewards those who are doing what they should. I appreciate ideas from parents that make our class move along better. Thanks!

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