Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Next week is the Math ISAT

We did not take our reading test today, instead we worked on our grammar and vocabulary skills. The students did quite well. In math we reviewed Median, Mode, Range and learned how to find the Mean of a series of numbers. Please ask your children to show you this skill. Then we did a review paper. We did addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Then we worked on how to deal with the variable, N. Students had to figure out which operation to use to solve a problem. They were given word problems using money. They had to multiply by 10, 11 and 12. Then they had to use a table to solve a problem. This is causing them much grief, but if they will try it, it will help.

This afternoon we tried Sweet Potato Mushipan, a Japanese dessert and learned more about the history of Japan, its culture, and listened to the music as the finished their cherry blossom pages.

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