Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday - Tests tomorrow

Students took the Star test again today to see where they are in reading. All students were told the color dot that fits with their score. However, I am encouraging them to make sure they are reading books they find interesting. Dot colors are a good indicator, but enjoying your reading is more important. We played Jeopardy today to give the students the opportunity to study for their reading tests tomorrow. Students started reading the story, then they asked each other questions, finally we played Jeopardy. In math we reviewed dividing with a three number dividend. The students practiced dividing with a multiple of ten divisor. This will not be on the test tomorrow as we just started doing it. Adding and subtracting four digit numbers could be something you could work with to prepare your students for their tests. In Idaho History we wrote a diamante poem and finished our limerick about Louis and Clark. It was fun, then the students ran to music. The school is having a food drive asking students to bring in canned foods for the hungry. If you feel you are able to help, please send a can of food with your child.

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