Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hi! Today in school students wrote two paragraphs telling what is unique about them. Then, they had 150 math problems! Really, but these are just to find out what they know. They are not timed and will not be due for a few more days. We also did a fluency test for all of the children. These assignments will allow me to know where everyone is at the start of the year so I have a benchmark of what to expect in reading, writing and math. We also created our own name tags for the hallway wall and are learning a couple of songs, America (My Country Tis of Thee, and our month's theme song, the first verse of We are different. We are tired and warm, but the day has gone well. Homework: Students have a homework folder that has three papers for parents to sign. Please help your student remember to get them back tomorrow.

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