Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday + homework for parents and students

My classes are doing Project Northland for the next 6-8 days. Basically it is a program designed for students to help them practice avoiding alcohol abuse. The 6th grade has booklets for four days that the students will be taking home. Parent participation is a big part of this. Please make sure that parents take the time to review these with the students. In the past we did these once a week, but we are trying, this year, to do it everyday in hopes that the parents will be able to participate more fully. The 7th graders will have a few assignments to do with their families too. But not as many as the 6th graders.

6th Grade: Slick Tracy Comic Book: parents and students fill out a short quiz and write each other a letter.

7th Grade: Students will review the "All Important Facts" for their homework.

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