Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday - 6th rough draft due Tuesday (tomorrow) Two papers to read and sign

6th grade: Students were reminded that the rough draft of their animal report is due tomorrow at the start of class. Today we discussed endangered animals. Each team got a short page to read about a specific animal. The teams read the reports and came up with their own ideas on how to help keep the animal from being endangered. Then each team gave a short report explaining how the animal became endangered and what we could do to help. We watched a short youtube video, Extinct is Forever. Then we discussed things we could do to use the resources we have wisely.

7th grade: Students learned a little about balancing scientific equations. We worked on a respiration/photosynthesis cycle. It is not homework and will be finished in class tomorrow.

Students have two papers that need signing and returning. One is a contract for using the new computer lab so students understand what is and is not allowed. The second paper is a Title 1 Student/Parent/School Compact. Please read both these papers with your student and sign and return them ASAP.

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