Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday - no school on Monday

Our topic today was endangered species. We discussed that people are really stewards of the earth. We need to take care of what we have without hurting mankind. We discussed the main reasons animals go extinct is predators, poaching, pollution, and disease. It is our responsibility to make sure that animals do not go extinct. Each team was given an animal that is in danger of extinction. They read about the animal and then came up with how we could take care that these animals are protected while being reasonable about it. We discussed that as stewards we must be wise in our decisions. We also discussed the story of the golden goose. Killing off any species might harm other species so we must learn all we can to help protect our stewardship. Each team then gave a report explaining how their particular animal might be protected.

Rough drafts are being turned in. Please get yours in early!

Parent Teacher conferences have been moved to Wed Oct 20th. Please calendar that.

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