Monday, September 27, 2010


Students who are not happy with their test score were given an opportunity to do some homework and fix their test. The rules are strict and if not followed, the fixed test will not be allowed. These are the rules:
1. Using a separate sheet of paper the student will fix each incorrect question by:
a. Writing the correct answer
b. Writing the answer in a complete sentence
c. Words must be spelled correctly
d. Answers must be numbered according to the incorrect test question's number
e. The separate sheet with the correct answers must be stapled to the original test.
f. The test must be turned in to the box at the bell or the corrections will not be

Today we began learning about invertebrates. We worked on Plato. To get to Plato go to on Internet Explorer. It does not work well on other browers. If it asks for the number it is 1002. The Plato name is the student's last name then first name with no spaces. The second line is the Group name which is the year they graduate 2017. The password is their student number. Then go to Animal kingdom. We viewed sections 2-5, but I think students will have to view it from the beginning. Make sure to use the red arrow at the top to go forward or back. The program will instruct you what to click on. We filled out a sheet based on this lesson.

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