Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yesterday the school sent home spring pictures with the students. The pictures or the money must be returned as soon as possible.

Today we had a discussion about plagiarism. It is very important that students learn to do their own work. There is a real temptation to copy off of the Internet, copy and paste are so simple to use. But we are trying to teach the students that it is illegal. Any student who copies work will get a zero.

Today the students gave examples of Newton's laws. We discussed how to find force, mass and acceleration. Then students finished working on a project for next year's Project Northland.

The final copy of the Weed Essay is due Monday at the start of class. This will give me the chance to get them read before they are due. Fifteen essays that follow the rules and are well written will be turned into Todd Transtrum and they will choose the finalists from those fifteen essays. I have told the students that they must follow the rules or their paper will not be turned in. However, all students will get a grade for their own work.

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