Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I hope you all had a great vacation yesterday. We are back at work today. We corrected and reviewed Wednesday's test. I will go through those and have them back to the students tomorrow. Anyone who wants to improve their grade can fix each incorrect question for half credit. If the student missed a lot of spelling words, they can write the word correctly ten times and they will receive 1/4 points. (Mis-spelled words lose 1/2 point) For the student to get the corrected test's points they must: 1. Write the number of the problem. 2.If it is multiple choice, write A, B, C, or D. 3.Then, and this is absolutely required, they must write the answer out in a complete sentence, even the multiple choice questions. An example would be

2. C Volume is the amount of space an object takes up.

I don't want them to write the question, I want an answer so complete that I know what the question was.

Tonight's homework is reading F2-F15 and the questions on page F15 1-5.

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