Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today we worked with real plants. We watched a video on angiosperms which are vascular, seed-bearing, flowering plants. We watched a short video about the reproductive cycle of the angiosperm. Then we took some gladiolas, kindly donated by Mrs. Alleman, and we found the sepal, the petals, the stamen with its anther and filament. Then we found the pistil with the stigma, style and ovary. We dissected the ovary to find the seed structures. It was fun. We also saw a Power Point presentation on the angiosperm, and a short video on a bee trying to move the pollen. I will put one of the videos up on the links.

We will likely have a test on Tuesday September 23rd. The students have been instructed to read pages A20-A35 and be able to answer the questions on A34 & A 35.

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