Monday, January 21, 2008

Sundial Instructions

During the next two weeks the students will be making a sundial at home. This will be due on Feb 12th, that gives us two week-ends of sunshine, we hope. There are several ways to do this. (see pg C-19. )
1. Get a piece of paper, cardboard, styrofoam, something that you can write on to use as a sundial.
2, Orient the paper to the compass, North is toward Pocatello, South is toward the Lake, East is toward Geneva, West is toward Preston. Write NSEW in the correct places.
3. Anchor your sundial to a sunny place. Some have used a cookie sheet and taped the paper to it on top of a car. The front porch with some duck tape works too.
4. Anchor a pencil other thin straight object onto the plate using tape or clay. Or it can be stuck straight through if your sundial allows it. Measure the length of the pencil from the top of the sundial - write it down as we will be using this again in May. Place the sundial in a place that will receive the sun all day long.
5. Set a timer to go off every hour on the hour.
6. Mark the tip of the shadow and then draw down the line of the shadow. Write down the time on each shadow. Four times are required, but more make it a lot more interesting.

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