Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today we went discussed the importance of an education. Students in other countries often walk miles to get to school. They know that a good education will open many doors. Some of our students are often apathetic about their education. It has been handed to them and they don't understand its importance. I hope that today's presentation will help them to understand the world is not just about them. It is getting all the learning they can so that they can reach out and help those who are not blessed with so much.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We had our final test today. Most of the students did quite well on it. Then we learned a bit about clouds and how they help you foretell the weather. Tomorrow we will discuss why education is important.

Wednesday is the award's assembly.

Thursday is our day at Downetta. Students need to dress according to the school dress code. They will change into swim suits at Downetta. The cost is $6.50. If your child wants to buy lunch there, they will need more money. They are allowed to bring a lunch from home. Please make sure your daughter's suit covers her stomach or has a t-shirt to wear over their swim suit. Also make sure the boys are appropriately dressed. We will be at the school by 3:45.

Friday is a time for signing year books and a dance.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today was odd. The power went out, but the classrooms were light enough to function. It made it a little difficult remembering that the overhead and the computer weren't working, but we did fine. We took a pre-test to prepare for the final. The questions might not be exactly the same as those that will be on the test, but they are close. The students were to take the pre-tests home to study over the week-end. The final will be Tuesday. We will also check the Science Journals and turn in books. If your student's book is in bad shape, you might want to send money so they can pay for the damage.

On Wednesday we will learn about children in other countries and the struggles they have to get a good education. I will encourage the students to use their time this summer to conquer their educational weaknesses. I will also have handouts for any student that wants some Internet sites to practice their school work.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We learned about fold mountains and fault block mountains today. We also went over some of the final test questions. We will review tomorrow and again on the day of the test. The test will be Tuesday. It will have ten questions worth ten points each. The questions cover some important information that the students should know and have covered all year. This test could save a bad grade. But if the student chooses not to study, well, that is their choice.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We learned about different types of rocks today. We got out a rock collection and the students were able to compare granite and gneiss, pumice and obsidian, sandstone and marble. We learned that the rock cycle can go many different ways and that what really makes rocks are other rocks. Then the students used the streak test on the rocks.

Tomorrow we will review Mohs hardness scale. Please make sure your student realizes that school doesn't end until the 29th of May. We still have a lot to do and books, paper and pencils are all required.

Tomorrow morning is the school talent show. Homework is to finish reading section D.

Monday, May 18, 2009


The students gave their oral report today. They went quite well. The homework this week is to read to the end of the chapter. Students that have not returned their pictures or their registrations need to get that taken care of immediately.

The school sent home information on the end of year field trip. 6th graders will go to Downata. They can have no Fs this trimester and not more than 6 detentions for the entire school year. The cost of the activity is $6.50. Students that wish to buy lunch there need to bring money. They can also bring their own lunch and any snacks or drinks they need. We will leave Thursday May 28th at 8 a.m. and return at 3:45.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today the sundials are due. Students who didn't finish their sundial can turn it in Monday for no more than 90% credit.

Registrations and pictures are also due today. They will be accepted on Monday, but the opportunity of getting the classes desired are lowered everyday the students are late.

Today we learned about volcanoes and tsunamis. We discussed cinder cone, shield and composite volcanoes. We learned about active, dormant and extinct volcanoes. We watched some short videos on both volcanoes and tsunamis.

Monday the students will report on their scientists.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


With nearly half of the 6th grade gone on the band and music trip, we watched a movie on Earthquakes. The movie warns of the dangers of earthquakes and also warns of ways to be prepared.

Tomorrow we will cover volcanos and tsunamis. On Monday the students will give their oral reports.

Student registration for next year need to be in tomorrow. Also the spring pictures, or money for spring pictures needs to be in tomorrow.

Please check your students grades.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We learned about continental drift and the evidences that Alfred Wegener based his theory on. We watched a short movie about seafloor spreading.

Tests were returned. Students can fix their tests with complete sentences and corrected spelling. They must turn the tests in tomorrow. Those students who are going with the band and choir must have their fixed tests turned in before school. I will be in the classroom by 7:30. They have all been told this.

7th grade registration and Spring pictures went home yesterday. The registrations need to be returned by Thursday, but the earlier the better. Either the pictures or the money paying for the pictures need to be returned by Thursday.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today the students corrected their tests. Then we began to study about Earthquakes and Pangaea. We also got to watch the high school band and Bear Essentials.

Sundials are due on Thursday and we are reading from D1-D42.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The test is over, we will grade it on Monday. Students who were absent today will need to make up the test before school, after school or during lunch.

The scientist reports were due today. Any student who was here today but did not turn a report in can turn the reports in on Monday, but they will only get half points, which is a lot better than a zero. They should make sure they have corrected any errors as they do not want to miss any more points.

Homework is to finish the sundial and begin reading Unit D.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday - test tomorrow

Today we reviewed for our test. Some important things to know are the rotations and revolutions of the Earth and moon, what causes seasons, the order and correct spelling of all the planets, the order, drawing and correct spelling of the eight moon phases, definitions for mass and hypothesis and understanding and knowing the vocabulary of eclipses. Know why the Jovian planets have more moons than the terrestrial planets and why they are so cold. That isn't everything, but it is most of it.

We also did a project in the hall to help the students visualize how far the Jovian planets are from the sun and how close the terrestrial planets are together.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today we used our hangers and made our solar system. Those who worked hard and fast were able to help others finish.

Coming on Friday we will have a test covering the entire C unit. We will review tomorrow for that test.

Also on Friday the final scientist report is due. Any reports turned in a day late will only receive half of the points. Please make sure you get these in at the beginning of class. Students need to turn them in when class starts so do not leave them in your lockers and then ask to go and get them. The reports are due at the start of class.